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Harness Continuous Error Tracking (CET) Overview

Harness Continuous Error Tracking (CET) is a developer first observability solution that enables developers to identify, triage, and resolve errors in applications. This helps in implementing rapid code changes by ensuring that the code is always in a deployable state.

With the increase in release velocity, the risk to code quality also increases. Using Harness Error Tracking, as a developer, you can:

  • Quickly identify and address any critical issues during each release with real-time notifications sent to email and Slack channels - ensuring that the right people can make the right decisions fast.
  • Deepen understanding of your Java applications in all environments, from production to development, testing, and staging, through code level visibility.
  • Automate issue root cause analysis at runtime, eliminating the need for manual log analysis to identify critical errors.
  • Quickly and accurately identify and fix detected issues with Automated Root Cause Analysis (ARC) screen, leveraging source code, variable values, environment state of the host/container, and DEBUG level logs to get the full context.
  • Integrate the ARC screen with existing tools including APMs, log analyzers, and issue tracking software.

CET consists of an Error Tracking Agent that runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It monitors the Java applications for run-time exceptions, log events, and the custom events that you set up. When an exception or an event occurs, the Agent sends the statistics and snapshots to a monitored service on Harness CET. CET analyzes the data using Machine Learning (ML) and provides deep insights via comprehensive dashboards such as the Event List and ARC.

Harness Error Tracking

Further reading

Next steps

Install and setup Continuous Error Tracking.